GMES and Africa Set to Host Workshop on Monitoring and Forecasting Droughts


GMES and Africa are hosting a joint workshop JRC/CSSTE workshop on monitoring and forecasting droughts and floods, and their potential impacts in Africa. The workshop will hold on August 18 and 19, 2020, with the topic ‘Monitoring and forecasting droughts and floods in Africa and their potential impacts’.

The workshop was requested by the GMES and Africa CSSTE consortium. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the workshop will be held online as a teleconference, with open participation from all African partners of GMES and Africa projects. Interested participants can contact Christophe Lavaysse via

The program of the workshop can be accessed here.

About GMES, and Africa; The ARCSSTE

The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and Africa (GMES & Africa) initiative is the crystallization of the longstanding cooperation between Africa and Europe in the area of space science & technology, which is one of the key priorities of the long-term EU-Africa Joint Strategy. 

See the Objectives of the Support Programme.

12 Consortia are financed by the Programme under a grant scheme, to develop EO-based applications supporting the decision making processes in the fields of terrestrial (Land and Water) and marine resources (Ocean and Coastal). The African regional centre for Space Science and Technology Education – English – ARCSSTE, leads one of them and deals with Flood management.  

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